I am a married mother of three dashing young men, currently living in Andover, MA. I have found through personal experiences and education that a mindful approach to the stresses of daily life allow me to find my center and manage my feelings while navigating a hectic schedule. I am a Reiki Master Teacher and love to educate children, adults, families and teachers about the importance of breathing, meditation and mindfulness. I am passionate about helping others create their own personal meditation practice. I am also a Medical Aesthetician and offer advanced skin rejuvenating facials at my private, home office. I have over 20 years of experience and still thoroughly enjoy making my clients look and feel their best. Being able to combine my services allows for a unique opportunity to experience a profound self-transformation both inside and out.
My Mindful Mission
Learning how to live in the present moment helps both young and old harness their mind, thoughts and body to work towards finding a content, peaceful place within themselves. From this place, they are more comfortably and confidently able to navigate their ever changing world and effectively manage their feelings and actions while doing so. In the words of Mother Teresa “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” Through a mindful ripple effect, we are able to reach out to others with much more compassion, empathy and love because we have found it in ourselves.